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No | Name of application forms | FILES | |
1 | 新台幣國內跨行匯款申請書(多筆)
Application for NTD Domestic Remittance |
767KB | |
2 | 國外匯款 / 匯票申請書
Application for Outward Remittance/Demand Draft |
191KB | |
3 | 新台幣 / 外匯活期存款提款單
Withdrawal slip Demand deposit account |
31KB | |
4 | 新台幣/外幣定期存款申請書-(不可轉讓)
Application for New Taiwan Dollar/Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit - (Non-negotiable) |
85KB | |
5 | 授信申請書
Application For Utilization of Credit Line |
147KB | |
6 | 國內不可撤銷信用狀申請書
Application For Domestic Irrevocable Letter of Credit |
100KB | |
7 | Application For Irrevocable Documentary Credit | 122KB | |
8 | Application For Amendment To Documentary Letter of Credit | 85KB | |
9 | Letter Of Indemnity in respect of Discrepancies In Documents | 64KB | |
10 | Application For Shipping Guarantee / Bill Of Lading Endorsement | 77KB | |
11 | Application For Export Bills | 112KB | |
12 | Bill Of Exchange | 98KB | |
14 | 擔保信用狀 / 保證函申請書
Application for Standby Letter of Credit/ Letter of Guarantee |
102KB | |
15 | 存款餘額證明申請書
Application for Certificate of Account Balance |
170KB | |
16 | 銀行往來交易餘額證明申請書
Application for Certificate of Banking Transaction Balance |
180KB | |
17 | SMAR&TS 企業網路銀行服務申請文件
Application documents of SMAR&TS e-Banking Service |
17-1 | SMAR&TS 企業網路銀行主契約 SMAR&TS Main Agreement | 492KB | |
17-2 | SMAR&TS 企業網路銀行個別國家增補條款 SMAR&TS Country Supplement | 265KB | |
17-3 | SMAR&TS 企業網路銀行服務選項表格 SMAR&TS Service Option Form | 7,945KB | |
18 | 電子對帳單申請書
42KB |